Manchester United

Sabtu, 18 Januari 2014

Expressing Certainty- Uncertainty

A. Ask for Certainty
     Untuk menanyakan kepastian, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
  • 1. Are you sure?
  • 2. Are you sure about it?
  • 3. Are you certain about it?
  • 4. Are you positive about it?
  • 5. Is that definite
B. Expressing Certainty 
     Untuk menyampaikan kepastian, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi
     berikut ini:
  • Yes, I am certain.
  • Of, course.
  • I'm positive.
  • She must be excellent at mechanics.
  • I'm absolutely sure.
  • It's certain that she is a good mechanic.
  • I'm sure about it.
  • I'm quite sure that he told the truth.
  • I'm absolutely sure about the news.
  • I'm no doubt about it.
  • I'm absolutely certain that he told the truth.
  • I'm sure/certain about .....
  • I've no doubt about.....
C. Expressing Uncertainty 
     Untuk menyampaikan ketidakpastian atau keraguan kita dapat menggunakan  ekspresi-ekspresi berikut:
  • Sorry, I'm not sure about it.
  • I'm not really sure that  he told the truth.
  • I'm not really sure about it.
  • I'm not too sure about ....
  • I don't know for sure.
  • I'm not completely sure that ...
  • I'm not a hundred percent sure.
  • I  don't know yet.
  • Not as far as I know.
  • I doubt it.
  • I couldn't say ....
  • There's some doubt in my mind that ....
  • I'm afraid I can't be certain about ....
  • I'm not convinced about ....
  • There's surely some doubt about ....
D. Responding to Uncertainty 
     Untuk menanggapi keraguan, kita dapat menggunakan ekspresi-ekspresi berikut ini:
  • I'm a hundred percent certain ....
  • You can be sure about ....
  • I've no doubt about.....
  • It's quite certain ....
  • I don't think there can be any doubt about ....
  • I'm fairly sure ....
  • Everything will be fine.
  • It's all going to be okay.
  • Don't be worried too much. Next time will be better.

Conjunction : not only ... but also
Pay attention to these sentences.
1.   a. Mr. Ryan is diligent.
      b. He is clever.
     =   Mr. Ryan is not only diligent but also clever.

2.   a. I like burger.
      b. I like pizza.
     =   I like not only burger but also pizza.

Look at the examples. Then do the exercises.
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This morning, there are two people in meeting room. They are talking.
Marnih    : “Hi, good morning”
Weldian  : “Good morning, how are you today ?”
Marnih    : “I’m fine. The air in this room will feel fresh, if you smoke here.”
Weldian  : “Of course, because smoking is very nice. If we smoke, we can fell
                 comfortable and quiet”
Marnih    : “Sure, I agree with your opinion”
Weldian  : “Thanks”
Marnih    : “But, I have some problems here”
Weldian  : “What ?”
Marnih    : “Do you know, if I satirize you ?”
Weldian  : “Why ?, because I’m a smoker?”
Marnih    : “Certainly. Do you know, if smoking is harmful for everybody ?”
Weldian  : “Of course not”
Marnih    : “Cigarettes contain many harmful chemical substances, for example :
                 nicotine, tar, Carbon monoxide, a chemical substance that can cause
                 cancer, etc”
Weldian  : “What are the impacts of smoking ?”
Marnih    : “The impacts of smoking are lung cancer, heart decease, emphysema,
                 bronchitis, etc”
Weldian  : “It means that my lungs are already ruined ?”
Marnih    : “Yes, of course. In addition, cigarette smoke is dangerous for passive
                 smokers, like me”
Weldian  : “I’m sorry. i don’t know, if smoking is harmful.”
Marnih    : “Okey, no problem”

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